Smart home – is it a new technology or a tribute to fashion

The concept of building smart homes is now actively discussed in the press. Ukraine, like other countries, develops IT technologies and therefore designers are forced to keep up with the times. At the moment, there are a large number of software options on the market, but there is no single state standard, so the products of different organizations have striking differences.

Modern homes

Demand creates supply, statistics show that the number of Internet requests to Google, regarding smart home applications, increased 7 times, only in the previous year 2020.

Users have different ideas about the concept of a smart home, and the total number of offers can be divided into 2 categories:

Software, as well as sensors, switches and additional equipment are installed upon completion of construction.
Design and construction is already carried out with the use of new technologies. In such houses, every detail is thought out, in accordance with the requirements of the customer.

The concepts of the work of construction companies are discussed at the stage of concluding the contract, and the customer will also be familiar with the procedure for servicing the equipment and the operational features of the equipment.

Ukraine has been using such technologies relatively recently, and Europe and Asia have long used a comprehensive approach to construction. For example, in Japan, the smart home market has been developing for more than 9 years, and now entire cities with such facilities are being created.

Abroad, the technology-based design method is more often used. In Japanese homes, there are smart meters and sensors, to save electricity, sliding windows are used, in which a special grid is built from small fragments.

The leading construction companies in Ukraine also try to keep up with their foreign colleagues. Today, the customer is offered conditions that make living in the house as comfortable and economical as possible. The main accents that designers pay attention to when developing software:

the climate system is installed as a single working system, not separately functioning communications;
the heat capacity of the material is taken into account, so that you can save on heat supply services, for this purpose, lighting is taken into account when installing windows, as well as materials that provide thermal insulation are used in construction;
separate technologies are used for the lighting project, as well as natural light sources are taken into account, allowing you to save money, for example, instead of the usual walls and ceiling, glazing is carried out or the number of windows increases.

A modern home is a solution that includes more than 10 integrated systems.

Smart home solutions – what is it?

Modern sensors and switches can be installed in an existing completed object, but in order for everything to function properly, you need to create a project, as well as find responsible performers. Among the modern offers, the most common are sensors for automatic switching on of lights and a smart video surveillance system.