Smart speaker with voice assistant

05 August 2021

Speakers with voice control have quietly entered our daily life and have become a familiar gadget for many. They can not only turn on music, but also tell stories, report the weather forecast and even order food delivery! Many of these speakers can control the “smart home”. At your request, the gadget itself will turn on a slow cooker or an air humidifier, start a washing machine or warm up tea.


  • The weight of the smart speaker is about 400 g, which means that it can be easily moved from place to place and even taken with you on trips.
  • This device, like many other modern gadgets, is made in China.
  • The service life of the speaker with a voice assistant, according to the manufacturers, is at least 2 years.

The most popular today are the smart column from Yandex and the Capsule Marusya from Group.


To control the smart speaker, a voice assistant and touch buttons on the device body are used, with which you can use the extensive capabilities of this modern gadget:

  1. Play music and audiobooks. First of all, the speaker of course serves to play various audio files.
  2. Reading fairy tales. This feature has already been appreciated by many parents. Children love to listen to fairy tales before going to bed and when you do not have the strength or time for another fairy tale, the column will help the baby fall asleep.
  3. Time display and weather forecast. Depending on the configured geolocation, the column itself will tell you about the weather and advise you how to dress better and whether it is worth taking an umbrella with you.
  4. Playback of recipes. If you don’t know what to cook for dinner, just ask the smart column about it. You can simply list which products you want to use, and a smart gadget will select a suitable recipe for you.
  5. Sending messages. When you don’t have time for business correspondence or communication in social networks, just dictate a message to the smart column, and it will send a message to VKontakte or read you a letter that came to your email.
  6. In addition, the smart speaker can translate texts from a foreign language and clarify the presence of traffic jams on the road. The capabilities of a smart gadget are expanding every day. New, more modern and convenient features are constantly being added.

The developers promise that in the near future smart speakers will learn how to call a taxi and perform other important things in everyday life, making our everyday life even more convenient.

Who is suitable for a smart speaker

  • The speaker with a voice assistant is very popular with children. It will help you learn foreign languages, listen to fairy tales and can even play various games with your child that develop memory, logic and imagination. The sound of the speaker is very similar to the voice of a living person – all intonations and accents are observed, so the feeling that a robot is talking to you does not arise.
  • For adults, a smart speaker will make life much easier and simplify the solution of many household issues – set an alarm clock or timer, find out the weather or information about traffic jams on the roads and make it even more convenient to manage a “smart home”.
  • Elderly people will be interested in step-by-step recipes, radio, audiobooks. A huge plus is the presence of a voice assistant, because it can be difficult for elderly people to understand the numerous buttons, besides, in adulthood, some experience vision problems, and voice control becomes an excellent solution to these problems.

For voice recognition, the speaker uses several microphones at once, so it can be used in rooms with a high noise level, for example, in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

This device will appeal to every family member, as it has a wide range of functions for people of any age.


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