Is it worth buying a smart speaker

10 November 2021

Manufacturers of household appliances no longer know how to interest buyers in purchasing a particular gadget. But it seems that they got the option with a smart column. Many people, having listened to the smart column for the first time, for some reason begin to think about the powerful boom boxes that young people use on the streets. In fact, the smart speaker is located in the house and it can be controlled by voice, and also such speakers can be part of the smart home system.

Smart Speaker Brands

Now every major representative of mobile electronics has its own line of smart speakers. Google offers you to purchase a Google Home, and Yandex – extremely comfortable and functional Yandex.Station. Apple also wanted to be in the trend of offering its own equipment in the form of a HomePod on the market. But all this is expensive. The budget choice from Yandex will be a Mini Station, which costs only 4,000 rubles and is considered a good choice even for young people!

How does everything really work?

The value of a smart speaker is that it can be controlled by voice! For example, if you need to put one music track in the early morning, another during breakfast, and in the evening, after work, the next one. At the same time, you can ask for a voice assistant in the form of Alice. It can be commanded with ease by asking the assistant to turn on the right music, make it louder or quieter! You can ask to play classics or rock, rewind or start over! It is worth adding that the choice of music in Sharp’s cassette decks was already in the form of APSS when the tape recorder was spinning the cassette for the desired musical composition. The head was erased perfectly at the same time. Especially if the cassettes of domestic production with high abrasiveness were played. Here, the smart speaker instantly rewinds and finds the desired track!

Is it worth buying a smart speaker for children?

Definitely worth it. After all, most people no longer see the meaning of life without a computer or smartphone! Parents are already beginning to worry about such enthusiasm – children are starting to learn badly and do homework! It’s quite easy to wean them off computers and smartphones – you just need to buy a smart speaker with which you can play in cities, and any type of Russian-speaking technology is able to tell interesting facts from the scientific world to a child in a fascinating way. If you need to grow a genius out of a child, then there is no better choice!

Practicality of solutions

Due to the fact that the smart speaker is controlled by voice commands, the child will not be able to be tied to a certain place. And this means one thing – neither myopia nor scoliosis will threaten him. And what about music and rhythms? It is recommended to include hits and the child together with his parents can dance at home! Here, the qualitative value of the speakers also comes to the fore – they perfectly reproduce bass, medium and even high frequencies. You can safely get rid of the family subwoofer and use a powerful smart speaker, which tends to generate high-quality sound.

Work at home

When you have to work at home, the smart speaker will be a very popular technique. You can set a timer, issue a reminder, or make a hands-free call. All these necessary operations can be done without any problems by means of a voice assistant.


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