Managing heating in a Smart home

The Smart home system, which shocked many people not so long ago, is beginning to be perceived by society as quite ordinary. Of course, it is worth noting that the level of automation in such a house is much higher. It is not surprising that automation has also affected heating management.

The benefits of “smart” heating
Of course, automatic heating control allows you to achieve 20-30% energy savings. Despite the fact that the mechanisms and components of a Smart home are not very cheap, with the help of automation of heating control, you can “cover” all losses and save significantly in the future.

This significant savings is achieved by:

Maintain the appropriate required room temperature;
Maintaining cold, low temperatures in various technical areas, such as a garage or workshop;
The General decrease in the room temperature by 3-5 degrees in the absence of the owners; when the owners arrive, the temperature automatically rises to the normal or set temperature;
Proportional control.
A significant advantage is that you can control all the heating functions remotely-from your phone or tablet.
On modern smartphones, you can install a special application for more detailed monitoring of more thorough settings of heating parameters.
The factor of accurate and balanced room temperature is another plus that is very important for maintaining human health. After all, in the optimal temperature for the human body-the body is in a state of comfort, thereby reducing the risk of colds.
You can use the app to set the desired heating mode for day and night maintenance.
And, finally, convenience-after all, you do not need to inspect the batteries in search of a special tap that supplies or disconnects heat-the automation itself will fulfill all the conditions for a comfortable human stay.
Use of Smart heating depending on the type of housing

Two sectors are considered traditional:

Systems for such heating vary in these sectors

Let’s consider the scheme of holding in the city sector. Today, the city’s infrastructure is already half automated. A huge role is played by the distribution scheme of the coolant in an apartment building. If the scheme is sequential, then individual heating and its even is unlikely to be carried out. On the contrary, the parallel scheme allows you to control the heating and keep an individual account of it. For this purpose, temperature sensors, a controller and a controller are installed

The scheme is held in the private (country) sector without any restrictions. Private heating, as a rule, depends on one source of heat supply (most often-the boiler). In terms of independence from others, it is much easier to implement such a system, but there may be difficulties with its technical behavior.

Thus, the automated heating control system is a comfort and convenience of the heating process without maximum human intervention.