HYIP or not? What is a smart home really like

When you hear the words “smart home”, it is more likely to mean a house with “automated” technology that simplifies and performs daily routine actions on its own, such as turning on lights, locking doors, drawing curtains, changing the room temperature, air conditioning, which makes life much easier and saves time for a person.

Definition of ” smart»

In fact, you can call any thing “smart” that can do something automatically. The room temperature controller can turn the heating on or off, but it is not intelligent. This makes it independent, but not smart. It’s not just about temperature, air conditioning, refrigerator, coffee machine, TV, lighting in the house and on the plot, lawn watering, alarm, calling emergency services at the current stage of technology development is not a fiction, but a true reality. It is on the possibility of management and control that differences begin. The smart home is almost always connected to:

Internal remote control panel
The Central processor, which is similar to the “brain”
Remote access

We should add another category of “combined management with learning opportunities”. we often confuse it with the concept of personalization.

Briefly about the features

The smart Autonomous home system is guided by the principle that the analyzer sensor signal should initiate the process, or at least output information to the control panel. The possible variants were initially entered in her memory. But as you know, you can’t predict everything. Undoubtedly, many parameters can be adjusted to individual needs, set the cycle time. The main value of such systems is energy saving, the ability to control the owner, and simplification of basic routine actions. After all, in fact, a person prefers to control comfort, which consists in convenience.

A house with remote access or, in other words, a house with IoT technology. A smart home of this type has the functionality of the previous one with the additional ability to connect to the cybersocial space. This means that you have more options for remote access and independent execution of routine tasks (not actions). Pay utility bills, make a purchase of a list of products, is in operation or hibernation mode recognizing: whether the person is present in the room, is on the way home, the absence of the owner (no espionage, all thanks to geolocation). This type of smart home should be perceived as one of the gadgets, one of those things that is designed to automate, ensure the intelligence of performing logical tasks, secure the home, manage energy consumption, perform individual processes according to a person’s preference.

The reverse side of the coin

Behind the opportunity to make life easier, more convenient, to change the way of life in some way, there is a centuries-old period of progress and development of technologies. Technology is one of the ways to make a profit. Technology development requires investment, production, materials, jobs, and software.

To perceive the “smart home” as an inevitable phenomenon of everyday life or a short-term popularization, everyone will have to decide independently. The only thing that remains unchanged is that what is being created has always been based on the interests of the social masses, based on their needs.